
Utilizing over 20,000 sqm of manufacturing space, we are dedicated to providing fast,
efficient and competitive fabrication options to our customer. From ASME certified to non-certified equipment;
from Carbon Steel to Stainless Steel to Exotic Alloys; from motor driven to compressor driven to natural draft,
Arafin is your complete source for your Air Cooled and Shell&Tube Heat Exchanger aequipment.
All our equipment is designed to meet your exact process and project requirements and undergo our thorough
quality inspection to insure our customers complete satisfaction.Arafin also offers services that can save
your company valuable time and money, such as cutting, beveling, bending, buttweld fittings Design,
Consulting, Testing

We can bend or form helical wound fintubes to meet your specifications. These capabilities include U-shapes and spiral or serpentine coils. Special end fittings or mounting provisions can also be supplied as required.

Cutting and beveling
Arafin's capabilities of cutting and beveling both finned pipe/tubes and bare pipe/tubes can save you both time and money. Arafin is dedicated to simplifying fabrication needs in the field, or even in your own fabricating facility.
